Monday, March 30, 2009

Grapefruit and medication

Welcome To grapefruit and medication
If you're one of the approximately 67% of Americans that are wired into the internet, there's a good chance that sometime in the last 24 hours you've received at least one spam email promoting the latest and greatest diet pill or weight loss program. These diet products promise fast weight loss resu ... Font Size A A A Licorice May Block Absorption of Organ Transplant Drug TUESDAY, March 24 (HealthDay News) — People seizing the immunosuppressant cyclosporine should fight shy of consuming licorice for the trial that it may weaken the drug's effectiveness and possibly lead to rancorous consequences, ...

Author: 4d47dff106
Keywords: health
Added: October 7, 2008

Author: ec494988
Keywords: health
Added: October 8, 2008

Author: 75e5504
Keywords: health
Added: December 4, 2008

in transplant patients -- who were feed licorice or its main active ingredient, glycyrrhizin, did not absorb the medication well. For a transplant patient on cyclosporine, lowered levels of the medication could lead to rejection of the new organ,

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grapefruit and medication


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